Can You Attach Shutters to Brick? – Global World of Business

Maintenance that is minimal. Numerous homeowners seek a reliable shutter installer to join shutters onto bricks. This isn’t difficult to accomplish.

The initial step is to drill holes with an masonry drill to install a wall plug before attaching the frame to the wall. Locate a spot at the bottom of the earth where it is possible to unpack and construct the shutters. Ideally, you should place them directly in front of the window. Get your shutters off of the ground, and examine the frame. It must have four parts, with labels labeled top, left and right. Each of the pieces must be placed in the middle of the floor. Prior to removing the frame take note of any holes that have been made by drilling along the wall using a pencil extra thin or the drill.

After marking holes, remove the frame and carefully drill the holes to ensure that they’re wide enough for plugs to fit in. Once the frame is mounted, place the shutters in, including hinges pre-installed. Work from left to right , raising the panels into position while dropping in the hinge pins for the shutters. It is important to secure the bracket to it by fitting the screws into the pre-drilled holes. If you’re happy with the adjustment you are happy, tighten the screw that locks the bracket. c8qpuyhb5d.